9 Months

9 months has flown by so fast. Your getting your 5th tooth and very unhappy about it.
Your spoiled freakin' rotten thanks to your grandmas. You wont even reach for a
toy that you dropped you just cry and someone gives it to you :) Your getting so big now!

Geneticist Update

Brody's geneticist just called and after being pushed around for so long with this Freeman-Sheldon researched place that might not even exist anymore they contacted Anthem (our insurance company) to see if they would cover genetic testing and THEY DO!

We go in to the Newport News office anytime Monday-Wednesday next week to have blood drawn and the results will be back in 4 weeks. It's really not important to me because no matter what he is mine and he is the way he is. But it will be nice to finally have a definite answer/diagnoses. It will help with any and all future teaching/skills/physical problems and might give me a couple hints!

Hugs & Kisses

Second Kidney Surgery

Brody kidney worsened day by day because of the partial fix in his lower ureter. Dr. U decided another surgery was necessary asap. We went in to CHKD March 2nd and she went in through his lower back so she was able to get to the top of the ureter and do the repair. While she was in there, she realized a couple things. (1)everything was much worse and confusing than she had originally thought and (2) He actually has a third ureter and kidney! Crazy I know! She disconnected both of his right kidneys and ureters and reattached the without the bad stuff. The next morning she sent Brody down for an ultrasound (they don't normally do an ultrasound until 15 weeks after because they never show any difference that soon and if they do its normally bad)  to make sure that everything was still the way the thought and just to double check there work. The urology resident came in hours later and told me that it was better. I'm sitting there all dumb like saying "oh its better? how much better?" thinking that any better is good and she is just trying to tell me thats its not worse! But NO! I WAS WRONG! IT'S ACTUALLY BETTER! The fluid had already began draining from the kidneys and the dilation wasn't as bad. Pre-surgery the size was 11.2, Post-surgery 9.5!

Thank You Lord! Proof that prayers really do help!

Kidney Surgery

After 15 months of being pushed around by Brody's urologist, I finally switch to someone who knows what she is talking about.  February 1st Brody had surgery to repair his right kidney and his urethra. Dr. Upadhyay calls us into the PACU where Brody was still waking up after being asleep for almost 4 hours. Everything is explained and drawn out.

She started out by putting a scope into his urethra, she finds problem 1, his urethra was small like a pin whole, there was a stricture blocking it and she cut it out. Further up she finds problem 2, posterior urethral values. Posterior urethral valves (PUV) is a condition found only in boys. PUV occurs in one in every 8000 boys born. It affects the urethra (the tube which runs from the bladder to the outside). In boys with PUV, the urethra has a blockage in it near the bladder. This makes it difficult for them to pass urine. As the bladder pushes hard to get the urine out, it causes pressure which may result in urine being pushed back from the bladder into the ureters and kidneys (reflux). This causes the kidneys and bladder to swell. She cuts them out.

Problem 3, the ureter connecting his right kidney to his bladder was really windy, turny, and thick then suddenly it becomes very skinny. She took out the skinny section and reconnected it back to the bladder and put in a stint while it heals. She thinks there could be another blockage up higher by his kidney but isn't positive. When she repaired the ureter, she said urine went everywhere so she think it will be okay. The test showed a little something up top but I'm hopeful that what she did fixed it completely.

We will be doing a VCUG at CHKD in a couple weeks to see if everything is better. But for now, he has a foley catheter and a SPT. He is deathly afraid of both :(

Letter to Brody 10 Months

My sweet boy :) You are just a little over 10 months now and you are doing great. I'm still learning how to deal with all of these doctors appointments and such. I never thought that being a mom could be so rewarding. Everyday you learn something new and everything you learn, I'm so completely in aw. Mommy and Daddy are so so so proud of you for all that you have accomplished. You are learning to pull up into a standing position and beginning to connect the dots to learn how to crawl. You are doing a lot of babbling.

Words you say
ba ba
bye bye
and a funny sound every time you try to say ma ma.

Your great at patty cake, and you clap when people say "Yeahh!!!" You just learned how to say bye bye and you STILL DON'T hold your bottle. I know you could but your just too rotten.

Speaking of rotten...Your Memaw has spoiled you sooo badly. Every time you see her you start grunting and trying to get to her. She does this rocking, shshing, bouncing motion all at once and you just hold her thumbs like your in heaven.

I have been home with you everyday since you were born and I'm thinking about heading back to work soon. But I miss you when your sleeping so I don't know how thats going to work. Daddy wants me to go back to work though because he wants to buy us a nicer house.

Cutting this one short, Daddy should be pulling in the drive way in a couple seconds. We love you more than life itself :)


Fact: Brody is the height of an average 15 month old.

Fact: All of Brody's medical records are being sent to the University of Washington and being reviewed by "the best" geneticist" in the world.

Fact: Brody did amazing at his appointments today. He was very well behaved ;)

Fiction: Like liked having his x-rays taken.

Fact: The doctors wanted these to see if there was any changes in his bone structure at all.

Fact: Dr. Proud wants to have a biopsy taken from inside of his ear when they put his tubes in his ears, she said it would save a lot of drawing blood later down the road.

8 Month Pictures

Brody Lee, 
   You, my love, are one amazing child.  I love you more and more everyday.  You are sitting up on your own now, with the exception of when you get really excited and fall backwards.  I think your going through a growth spurt right now, you are eating so much.  I spoke with your genetics doctor today and all of your results came back from your blood work. Everything was normal.  The word normal seems so inferior. I always knew you were perfect but now I have proof that you are perfect in every single way. In this past 8 months you have far surpassed all of my expectations and goals.  Mommy and Daddy love you Punkin'! 

Forever & After